Replacing the Ambient Air Temperature Sensor
As always, follow all safety protocols. Don't undertake this task if you aren't comfortable with it, fully understand it, and are capable of completing it. The information provided may be incomplete or inaccurate. You are ultimately responsible for anything you do. Neither Redpants, LLC or myself is responsible or liable for anything that may occur.
Of all the strange things that can go wrong with an Aston Martin, a bad ambient air temperature sensor is one of the strangest. When the sensor starts to fail, it will show an incorrect number in the outside temperature display. The sensors tend to fail gradually, so the temperature will only be off by a few degrees at first - not enough to really notice. As it worsens, that number will be further and further off until it’s obviously incorrect.
Having an incorrect temperature displayed is only an inconvenience most of the time. But, in rare situations, the sensor can send a signal so incorrect that the car will think the temperature is “extreme” and will go into a safety mode that includes preventing the car battery from charging. The problem is, it won’t alert you when this happens. Here’s a video explaining what can happen, and also showing how to fix it.
New ambient air temperature sensor
T30 Torx bit
T25 Torx bit
Short extension
Ratchet for the above bits and extension
Needle nose pliers
About half an hour
Step 1
Remove the slam panel, then remove the front grille.
Note: You may be able to reach the ambient air temperature sensor without removing the grille, but doing so makes the job much, much easier and greatly reduces the risk of damaging the grille.
Step 2
Use the needle nose pliers to release the clip holding the ambient air temperature sensor in place. it’s located immediately behind the grille. The picture below shows it in a V8 Vantage (unclipped).
Unplug the ambient air temperature sensor and remove it from the car.
Step 3
Plug in the new ambient air temperature sensor and then clip it back in place.
Reinstall the front grille and then the slam panel.
And that’s it!