About Redpants
My name is Richard Seidlitz, and I’m a bit of a car nerd and habitual tinkerer. I’m not a mechanic, I’m not an engineer, and I’m not endorsed by Aston Martin. I’m just a guy from the internet.
Redpants is a disabled veteran-owned [very] small business, and a place where I can share the lessons I’ve learned over the years I’ve owned my Aston Martins as well as stories, information, do-it-yourself (DIY) guides, pictures and videos, and anything else I think might be of interest. I source parts from all over the world to supply our community with the parts we need to maintain and modify… and sometimes repair… the cars we love. And I do this with one goal in mind, which is what I set out to do from the very beginning:
The goal of Redpants is to make Aston Martin ownership reasonable.
Yeah… reasonable is what I’m aiming for. How’s that for both annoyingly vague and mindblowingly deep? I can and often do rant about car stuff and this is a topic that comes up pretty often - I’ll get into everything from manufacturing to culture and how it all ties together and and and - just trust me, it can get deep.
Sometimes the posts on Redpants might get a little personal. That’s not to say this is going to become some car journal turned diary, although the old Redpants website did push those bounds too much by the time I replaced it with this one. Rather, I’ve found that for many of us cars are something we get very passionate about and passion gets personal. Since you’ve found your way to my website and are taking the time to read the About page, I’m going to guess you’re an enthusiast that shares this passion for cars.
Part of Redpants is my Online Store. These sales are what makes Redpants possible! So, if you appreciate what I’m doing and want to keep it going, please consider shopping at Redpants for the parts and supplies you need. And if you want to do even more, I’ve got a Support page.
What’s with the name?
This is perfect timing for a personal post! It’s almost like I planned this. It all started a long time ago when I was out shopping in Boston with my good friend Blade Kotelly (yes, that’s really his name – he’s an incredible guy, fellow Aston owner, design guru, and teaches at MIT). We came across a pair of red pants that I never thought I could pull off wearing. I was far too shy and reserved for such attire. Blade gave me one of the best “peacock” speeches I ever heard and, needless to say, I bought the pants.
My friends back in the Washington DC area immediately started with the commentary the first time I wore them to a car event. I think the pants became far more popular than I am, because they would (and still do) always ask if I am going to wear them whenever I planned to go out with them. Soon enough, they started tagging me in pictures of anyone they saw wearing red pants. The pants – the red pants – had become something of my calling card. Not only that, but they also broke me out of my reserved style, both with fashion and with life in general. The red pants empowered me.
While I tossed around ideas for the name of this website and the business it would become, it dawned on me that I should use the one I’m already known for. Thus, Redpants was born.
You used a .LOL domain? Seriously?
Yeah, seriously. Besides, the .com domain was already taken. I’ve also got a website called Unzipped.
Other important information
Please read the Terms and Conditions and Frequently Asked Questions. Not the most fun to read but they're important. The vast majority of my customers won't have any issue with these, but they've been written out of necessity... and experience.
Still have questions?
Use the Contact Page or contact me at rich@redpants.lol via email. Both go to the same inbox. Please don’t message me on social media, I likely won’t see it!